Saturday, July 27, 2013

To save everything, click here : the folly of technological solutionism

To save everything, click here : the folly of technological solutionism

The book somewhat reads like a PhD dissertation without a clear subject. It piles on a lot of blog literature (not much book or research literature), a lot of comments, or rather rants (not very oral, well written, yet rant or rumbles).

The definition of solutionism captures some ongoing trends, but nowhere near representative. To a large degree, the book defines the term in such a way to make its criticism stronger.

The book does not object to the fact the 'Internet' has a lot of promises. A lot of initiatives and actions used as examples of solutionism do appear premature, lack of premeditation, analytics, analysis or just proper thinking. Some do appear stupid. As we all know, as a new wave or paradigm shows, somebody has to show up to try a lot of things. And we, human being, are known for trial and error (and trial and stupid as well). I don't see any reason to laugh or criticize them. If you, for whatever reasons, are not jumping in to join the swim (as I do), at least you should respect those who try. I mean respecting intellectually and wishing them good luck. If you do decide on the sideline and judge, you better have some better ideas.

I am not a huge believer in things like crowd-sourcing. If you see a beggar standing by the road side asking for small changes, isn't he not crowd-sourcing? I don't see any point jumping into a lot of so-called collaborations. Many are just 'asking for free bee' in disguise. When Linux first got started and caught on, many have spent day and night contributing to it. Then later several closed the sources and talked the bulk of the built up knowledge and started companies to offer commercial versions. How many of those who contributed a lot and big got any meaningful, say, the company stocks, or at least any form of 'thank you'? This is currently the case with Hadoop  and analytics based on Mahout, or even Java. With this said, these evolutions have little to do with the solutionism defined by the book.

I like Carr's Shallows better overall. It is at least much shorter. This solutionism book requires a lot of energy to organize and write. I certainly admire that. The solutionism defined as the target of criticism for the book lacks analytical underpinning and does not reach very deeper. Many comments read like complaints, many of which are quite eloquent and gracefully composed.

Monday, July 22, 2013

How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

It appears about peer review of funding process. As I read on, I find it tranquilizingly analytical, like quiet but vibrant water flowing down and around stones and rocks. The book carries undercurrents that permeate beyond, while correlate closely with suggested topic areas. Insights derived from fair observations with steady patience are most enriching.  

Once she lays out, most you may say “Oh, it is obvious. Oh, I know that”. The seemingly plain texting and texture of the narrations suggest deep, not necessarily hard-nose or so-called tough, thinking. The book also emits warm, coil twists that probably only a female author could render.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Robert Oppenheimer: His Life and Mind

Robert Oppenheimer: His Life and Mind

The book has 695 pages. A thorough history of the person. Quietly analytical. Loaded with details on the history of nuclear physics, quantum physics throughout the two World Wars. The unfolding of his correlations with Communists is fair-speech. Explains very well why he was investigated and haunted, his own behavior and characteristic triggers, among others.  

Surprisingly his math was sloppy and loose among physicist of his caliber and repute. His advice to his brother on how to deal with girls was practical and hilarious. Somehow I believe his success was more due to his talents beyond physics. The Manhattan project could not be made so successful just by one’s talent in physicist, or any scientific specialty. The genius lies in exceptional capability to open paths when and where nobody else has clue or directions.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking

The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking

Not a tutorial, handy pocket book remining you of your age and wisdom. Bought it at Harvard coop bookstore. Found it catching dust there, though. A dry-fish style book, however tasteful.